Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Squaring it up

On Sunday we returned to the lot to check the accuracy of the string we laid last weekend. This process is called "squaring up the lines". This was done by each of us standing in a corner (diagonally) of the square, taking the measurement, then moving to the two opposite corners to make sure the 2nd measurement was the same as the first.

Here is the view from my corner. That tape had to be pulled extra tight. There is Ken diagonally across not cutting me any slack while pulling his end of the tape. A couple times I nearly fell over :)

One of our measurements was off by a couple inches. This is obviously no good, so we had to go back and check our measurements on all strings involved. We ended up moving one of the strings 1/2" to straighten it up. 

Ken, getting ready to mark up those boards

Since those strings won't always be in place, we had to go around and indicate on the board where the nail/string line up. 

The string comes down when the block is laid, along with all those boards

I look really excited to be making these marks

This was probably the easiest day spent at the lot so far. We weren't there very long, nor was there a lot of bending down/squatting going on. I was able to take lots of pictures!

This will be the view in the front of the house. I am standing at the future front porch. (Hopefully Ken will dock the cruise ship in the driveway...)

One of the last projects will be laying out our portion of this brick sidewalk.

Sharon, our future neighbor, was busy painting the deck next door

Here is the view of the lot from inside the green house next door

There was a huge flock of Sandhill cranes flying overhead. They migrate south this time of the year, and Paynes Prairie happens to be a major stop for them, so they can often be heard in the area.

That's all I got for now! We are still waiting on the permit to start doing anything serious. A few ideas for this weekend are: digging footers, painting the shed, or lighting that pile of vegetation stacked on the trailer on fire. I will be sure to film video if anything cool goes down (like lighting something on fire).

1 comment:

  1. That would be awesome - lighting something on fire. I would like to see that video (hahaha).Good shot of the sandhill cranes. It seems odd how you Floridians have such a different environment. Can't wait to be there this summer! You and Ken look happy.Did you lose weight? mom
