Last weekend Ken began to hang trim on the house and I wasn't far behind painting:
The trim color is called "casa blanca". It's sort of an almond color.
See the wood around the windows? That trim will likely need 2-3 coats.
Fortunately for me, this side of the house is shaded until mid afternoon! (Then it feels like a broiler once the sun hits, so I have to time my painting route carefully...)
While I piddled with paint, the guys worked on the roof
They had a pretty good system down and overall, worked well together.
My attention wasn't completely on painting, because this little guy captured it for the day:
It was pretty hard to get anything done with this little face saying "come play with me!"
One of the roofers found this puppy at a gas station (isn't that awful?!) a couple weeks ago and brought him to work to hang out
He was super sweet. His name was Debo (yes, like from the movie "Friday")
At least I wasn't the only one who couldn't resist...
In addition to petting the puppy, I somehow manage to get a decent amount of painting done :)
Hey Christine - What a cute little puppy! We all went aahhhh... The house looks great, of course. I forgot how much it rains in FL. We're all excited for our trip. Only 1 more week. Yipppeee...See you then - Love MOM