For the past few weeks, we've hung siding on the house.
This is what it looked like this morning, before we added more to the front and over the garage.
Ian was a big help when it came to hanging the high stuff (I took one step onto the scaffolding and said "no thanks")
Summer kitchen
Hanging siding reminds me of hanging plywood, but this is much better. It has taken a long time, but mainly because of family visits and busy schedules. We have found that when we do hit the work hard, it goes fast due to the fairly stream-lined system we have. Ken does the measures and cuts, and I stay on the ladder and measure and nail the boards when he hands them to me.
Ken cutting
Christine nailing. The low stuff was obviously my favorite, but the ladder really ends up being good exercise!
Back side of the house
While we worked, Luna held down the fort on the cool cement:
We went through lots of nails
Having a fan made work a whole lot easier!
After being on a work hiatus for so long, we have really picked up the slack lately. In the past 12 days, we've worked 9 of them! (both solid weekends, and nights after work). It's been taxing, but it's nice to look at the house and feel so accomplished. After today, all we have left is a few boards on the back patio, and some high ones on the front porch.
In terms of the interior, not much has changed. Still waiting on electrical. The roof is 100%, and is leak free! There was some water seeping in the floor of the garage, likely due to the slab being so low back there. Today we had to dig down to the slab below the cinder blocks and patch it up with some tar stuff. We're also attempting to transplant some of the bamboo to the other side of the backyard since it grows fast, looks good, and doesn't take too much to maintain. If it takes off in the next few days, I'll let you know :)
Hey Christine - I am back and hope to see some new pictures. I know you have been busy with work and building the house. Lets see some more pictures of my granddoggy. She probably is sooo... big by now. We are all doing good. We are busy with work, school, serving Jesus! Put some pictures of your family from Miami if you have any? Talk to you soon. Love- MOM